Sunday, February 2, 2014

And the Journey Continues...

I am not going to lie, these past couple of months have been stressful and emotional.  Whenever someone close to you passes, it's hard.  Over Christmas, I was with my Grandma Jerri when she passed away.  Although I am confident that she is rejoicing in Heaven with Jesus, I am sad that I will never get to see her again.  I am sad that my Mom lost her Mommy.  I am sad that my kids won't grow up with their Great Grandma (Gram Jerri was young!).  I am sad that her apartment is empty now.  I am sad about a lot of things BUT I am also thankful at the same time.  I am thankful that I was able to say "goodbye" to her.  I am thankful that I have such wonderful memories of my Grandma.  I am thankful that God in his grace and mercy saved my Grandma and calls her his OWN!  I am thankful that God is good and he never lets us go.  Thank you Jesus for bringing our family through that time and for holding us in the palm of your hands.

A month has passed and I am still feeling a bit stressed and emotional yet excited beyond belief.  Our adoption is moving along and every day can be a roller coaster of emotions.  Sometimes there is good news, sometimes bad, sometimes neither good nor bad.   But, I am learning a lot through it all and I wouldn't change that for the world.  Sometimes I forget that this life is not easy and that I do need to cut myself some slack.  If you know me, I can be very hard on myself at times.  Maybe the longing I have inside to meet my son and hold him in my arms is taking a toll on my emotions and heart more than I thought it would.  Maybe seeing his picture every day and wanting so badly to bring him home can be stressful.  As we get closer and closer to that "court date" and to making plans to travel to Ethiopia, I ask that you pray for our family and for our precious son.  Pray for Aliyana, Canyon and Kingston and for their longing to meet their brother.  We are confident it is just around the corner and that we will be brining our son home very soon.  We are grateful to God for sustaining us thus far and trust wholeheartedly that he will continue to hold us up.  Thank you all for your love and support…we are blessed with such wonderful family and friends!