Sunday, January 10, 2016

Florida Summer

I am so behind on all of this!!!  Life is crazy right now with homeschooling the kiddos and trying to keep up with everything else as a stay at home mommy.  I am loving every bit of it but I am going to be's A LOT!  But, a lot of good stuff and a lot of good time with my kids.  There are many challenges and many triumphs and I wouldn't trade any of it.  We don't know what God has for the future of our family but we are excited to see how it all unfolds. 

Having said all of this, I am gonna go right ahead and COPY AND PASTE Mel's (the girl that is on TOP of everything:) post.  Love ya sis!

Another summer chock-full of Florida memories!  It's amazing how fast all of these kids are growing up!  It seems like just yesterday we were setting up 5 pack-n-plays every time we all were down.  There were always so many babies, so much baby food, and so many nap times...Now the youngest one is two years old!  It really is unbelievable how fast time is flying.  I want to savor every second!

And we savor every second of fun down at Pop Pop and Mimi's house!  As always, they pretty much lived in the pool.  It's nice having so many that can swim.  The pool is a lot less stressful!

Fourth of July was kind of crazy because we were getting ready to leave for Ocean Reef on vacation the next day.  But we managed a cook out, two birthday parties, and fireworks!

Well don't these fellas look patriotic!

Aunt Erica turned 30!

Our cousins have a baby, Lucas, that turned ONE!  Happy Birthday, Lucas!

On Sunday we ventured down to the Keys to Ocean Reef for our 4 night stay.  We rented a house and enjoyed swimming in the pool and playing at Buccaneer Island

Pop Pop's gaggle of grandkids!

This boy is just as sweet and funny as can be.  We are so thankful that he was created just for our family and just love, love, love him!

Chad brought his boat and parked it at the dock that was at the house at Ocean Reef.  The big boys took a fishing trip one day.  They caught a ton of Mahi!

The next day the kids wanted to go out fishing for a bit and were so proud to bring home some snapper and a baracuda!

Hanging at Buccaneer Island.

It seemed like all we did was swim.  After the morning at Buccaneer Island in the pools we would come home, eat, and swim some more!

Gelato night!

A family picture is very hard to come by and we were so happy that we had everyone in one spot at the same time!

After getting home from Ocean Reef, we spent another week playing together!

Swimming, golf cart rides, catching lizards, riding 4-wheelers, fishing, putting on shows, baking, sleepovers, geocaching, alligator farming, and shopping, were among the fun things that filled our week!

We are so blessed to have a place where we can go and spend time together as a whole family.  Thank you Pop Pop and Mimi for having us down so we can have another awesome Florida family vacation!

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